Very First thing that you have to know is Search Engines are not humans. So the way how search engine read the web pages are different from humans readability. They are more technical as per web content to analyze the keywords and relevancy of web pages. Process of reading WebPages are called crawling In which Search Engines get the idea of your pages and try to understand the relevancy of page matter.
When Search Engine crawled it store all the highlighted words (keywords) and other words in there index. It also store the frequency that how much time a word is repeated in the page and also store the density of each keyword in there databases. They try to find most significant keywords in webpage to match it with SERP.
Search Engine also track all the links exist on web pages and index there data in database for further SEO analysis. It also optimize your images on all pages.Every Search Engine has its own algorithm for data analysis and SEO strategy.Thats why SERP may appear are different on their search results. All search engine like Google,Bing,Yahoo etc are has seprate Search algorithm for ranking the websites either its on page optimization or off page optimization.
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